Daily Archives: August 17, 2014

Exhale Your Heart

I desire you… I want my chest at your back.. my mouth at your neck… my right hand sliding under your shirt as my left finds the button on those jeans and slips inside those panties and in between your lips… slick fingers pulling you toward every orgasm.

Yes… ravenously turn to face me when you can take no more, caught between me, my arms, and the counter behind you… attack my mouth… push me to the opposite wall… peel the jeans from my body and claim my cock with nail, finger, hand, lips, tongue, and mouth… take me to the ground right where we are and slide slow over me and down the length of my shaft to fill your waiting desire. giving, taking, and receiving every pouring pleasure.

Slide… slick and slow… breathe… exhale your heart into my spirit… draw me to that edge that I might not die all at once… take me there one breath, one thrust at a time… feel my muscles tightening feel me swelling inside of you… I will give it all in release if you but say my name.

For You, My Beloved